Images and description.

The gluteus minimus muscle of the hip

The smallest of the superficial gluteal muscles, the gluteus minimus is situated deepest in the buttocks, much like the gluteus medius. It has a similar fan-like shape and function to the gluteus medius, originating from the ilium and converging to form a tendon that inserts into the greater trochanter’s anterior surface. Its main actions are to abduct and medially rotate the lower limb while stabilizing the pelvis during locomotion to prevent contralateral pelvic sagging.


The gluteus minimus muscle of the hip

  • The gluteus minimus muscle of the hip - orientation 1
  • The gluteus minimus muscle of the hip - orientation 2
  • The gluteus minimus muscle of the hip - orientation 3
  • The gluteus minimus muscle of the hip - orientation 4
  • The gluteus minimus muscle of the hip - orientation 5
  • The gluteus minimus muscle of the hip - orientation 6
  • The gluteus minimus muscle of the hip - orientation 7
  • The gluteus minimus muscle of the hip - orientation 8
  • The gluteus minimus muscle of the hip - orientation 9
  • The gluteus minimus muscle of the hip - orientation 10
  • The gluteus minimus muscle of the hip - orientation 11
  • The gluteus minimus muscle of the hip - orientation 12
  • The gluteus minimus muscle of the hip - orientation 13
  • The gluteus minimus muscle of the hip - orientation 14
  • The gluteus minimus muscle of the hip - orientation 15
  • The gluteus minimus muscle of the hip - orientation 16