Images and description.

The tensor fasciae latae muscle of the hip

Located towards the anterior edge of the iliac crest, the tensor fasciae latae is a small, superficial muscle that serves to tighten the fascia lata. It originates from the anterior iliac crest, attaching to the anterior superior iliac spine, and inserts into the iliotibial tract, which then attaches to the lateral condyle of the tibia. The tensor fasciae latae plays a supportive role in the gait cycle and works alongside the gluteus medius and minimus in abducting and medially rotating the lower limb.


The tensor fasciae latae muscle of the hip

  • The tensor fasciae latae muscle of the hip - orientation 1
  • The tensor fasciae latae muscle of the hip - orientation 2
  • The tensor fasciae latae muscle of the hip - orientation 3
  • The tensor fasciae latae muscle of the hip - orientation 4
  • The tensor fasciae latae muscle of the hip - orientation 5
  • The tensor fasciae latae muscle of the hip - orientation 6
  • The tensor fasciae latae muscle of the hip - orientation 7
  • The tensor fasciae latae muscle of the hip - orientation 8
  • The tensor fasciae latae muscle of the hip - orientation 9
  • The tensor fasciae latae muscle of the hip - orientation 10
  • The tensor fasciae latae muscle of the hip - orientation 11
  • The tensor fasciae latae muscle of the hip - orientation 12
  • The tensor fasciae latae muscle of the hip - orientation 13
  • The tensor fasciae latae muscle of the hip - orientation 14
  • The tensor fasciae latae muscle of the hip - orientation 15
  • The tensor fasciae latae muscle of the hip - orientation 16