An overview of the data
Water-fat quantification
Dixon based water fat quantification, for information look here».
- Out phase image
- Fat fraction
- R2 star relaxation
- SNR distribution
- Number of double bonds in subcutanious fat
Water only T2 mapping
Multi echo spin echo T2 relaxation time mapping with EPG reconstruction, for information look here».
- Water only signal
- Water only T2 relaxation time
Diffusion tensor imaging
Diffusion weighted imaging with IVIM and DTI fitting to obtain muscle microstructure and muscle architecture, for information look here».
- Mean diffusivity
- Fractional anisotropy
- SNR of the unweighted image
Muscle segmentation
Convolution neural network based (UNET) fiber automated muscle segmentation, for information look here».
- 3D volume render of automated muscle segmentation.
- Automated muscle and bone segmentation.
- 3D volume render of automated bone segmentation.
Muscle fiber tractography
Whole leg muscle fiber tractography using DTI, for information look here».
- 3D volume renders of muscle fiber tractography
- Muscle fiber length map
- Muscle fiber angle map
- Muscle fiber density map
- Muscle fiber curvature map